Our Philosophy
Enjoy the love and fun of Bikes
All kinds of bikes, bike rides, bike locations enjoying the ride every chance we can
What is Safe Sport and why is PJW Race + Sport Safe Sport Trained
Working with USA Cycling Safe Sport Program will help with:
–Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP)
–Prohibited Conduct
–Reporting, Response & Resolution Policy
–Background Check Policy
–Policy III — Administrative Grievances

PJW Race + Sport Services available
Looking for “Event” Services to help support your ongoing or in planning business or community event, try our “Competition Roller Race” also called “Cold Sprints” and/or “Gold Sprints”. Designed for more active bike riders who have energy to burn and energized support crowds who want to cheer on the “racers”. We need an approx. 10′ x 10′ square to set up and run the event. We bring all the equipment needed, set up and conduct the event, tear down and leave no trace behind. Pricing varies.
More leisurely Event is our Maintenance Pop Up. Again, we bring everything needed to fit in an approx. 10′ x 10′ space, inside or outside. We will do, generally, FREE (Tips are encouraged and appreciated) light bicycle repairs and maintenance as owners wait and enjoy your hospitality. Bike owners can also drop off and pick up later the same day if that is more convenient. No component parts are replaced as there is no way we can carry an entire bike stores spares for such a wide variety of possible bikes. Pricing to you for our Pop Up varies.
Chain Sonic Cleaned and Hot Dip waxed for speed and performance. You supply a new or used chain. If used, we check for chain stretch prior to service. The chain is solvent and Sonically Cleaned and readied, then Hot Wax Dipped with your choice of Molten Speed Wax or Silca Secret Blend Hot Dip wax. Depending on ride conditions, you can get approx. 1000 miles of service before a re wax is needed. The benefit is less chain internal friction and longer chain life. $20.00 per chain, 2-3 days needed. Cyclists who wax chains often have 2 chains, one on the bike, one in service mode.
Officiating at your USAC Sanctioned competitive cycling race. USA Cycling trained and certified as an on site or Moto Ref. Official. Un sanctioned races may be considered after reviewing the race Promoters Insurance Policy and the race requirements needed. (Non USAC sanctioned means NO USAC rules, clothing, paperwork, medical, etc. are allowed to be used during the event)
Competition Roller Event
Great for group parties and events. Entrants compete in two up 500 meter races with the crowd cheering them on. Variety of pricing options. Minimum $100.00 per event with a maximum of 6 hours. Let’s talk about what works for you.
Chain Waxing for maximum life and Performance
Used or New Chain, sonic cleaned and Hot Dip Waxed with either Molten Speed Wax or Silca Secret Blend Hot Melt Wax. You supply the chain, we service it $20.00 per chain. 2-3 day turn around.
Bike Repair Pop Up
A great addition to your bike friendly visitors. Light Maintenance Service on all varieties of bikes, kids to adult sizes. Basic family bikes or fancy race bikes, all are welcome. Lots of pricing options to pick from. Normally we suggest a no charge event for your visitors but we can design whatever fits your time and budget.
USAC Certified Race Official & Moto Ref
If your competitive bike event needs a seasoned official. Usually only for USA Cycling Sanctioned Races but non-sanction could be considered based on insurance policy carried by the Race Promoter. Normal USAC Rates apply. Let’s talk.
A few Events we do every year
Join us when we do some fun bike adventures. Something that might fit all varieties of riders
For those one day big enduro riders or those who want to tag a long for a bit. 150 miles, one day, 3rd weekend in May. This might morph into Superior WI to Thunder Bay, 3 day ride in 2024
Lake Pepin
Similar to Duluth, one day around Lake Pepin, Red Wing to Red Wing. 70 miles. 3rd weekend in Oct.
Grass Track
A chance to experience velodrome like training and competition on a flat grass track. Ride what you got. Training and Race days
Individual TT’s
Join some of us as we compete on one or both organized Individual TT’s. East side of town, Rocket Racing, West side, Gear West.

Coach Tips
Mini training tips
You are what you repeatedly do
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit!
Do I need to say more? Thought to be a quote from Aristotle but more likely from Will Durant, an Englishman.
Eat/Fuel before you are hungry
Anyone actively living life should know this is the case but as athletes focused on performing well in an event, we sometimes ignore this basic need, Fuel for the effort. More to come about fueling your life and efforts and the Sponsors we trust to get us to that end. Scratch Labs, Momentous, Zealios.
Trust Your Training & Coach
If you have a coach, (I’ve had one for over 30 years) I hope you did your due diligence and made sure that coach was best for your needs and desires. You decided early on that the coach you picked was knowledgeable and talented and would move you forward in your goals. If you are questioning that choice, it might be time to talk to them and maybe move to a coach you can trust totally. Caveat, you have to follow the plan to improve. If you don’t follow the plan and improve, look in the mirror and ask why.
Mentally Prepare as much as Physically
I’m sure I can’t achieve that! Well, yes because your metal prep has sabotaged your performance. Maybe go back to Trust the training. Did you fully follow the plan so that you are physically fit for the effort? If yes, that will lay the foundation to be mentally fit as well. Physical performance will excel when you can back it up with positive mental energy.
Great Products from our Sponsors to you!
Custom Cycling Kit and Casual wear from Pactimo, our Denver based tech clothing supplier. Soon, new selections of technical personal care and support products as well as bike tech hardware. Cycling kit in stock for sale now, connect with us to find what works for you. Past designs available at hugely discounted pricing. In stock elections are limited.

Custom Team Ride Kits
By Pactimo, a quality Denver based bike clothing manufacturer. Great, technical, made to fit and function at the top level. A full variety of items, jerseys, bib or regular shorts, vests, jackets. Designs to fit all temperatures and weather conditions. Call or email for availability and pricing.
Team Logo Casual Wear
Looking for something more casual but looks smart and identifies with the PJW Race + Sport Team? Lots of great Pactimo options available for you as well. Might even be some more casual design tech gear that has a bit more room to move. I love the gravel designed non padded Range Trail Pants. Lots of great options and pricing.
Bike Hardware, check back soon for items to come.
Working now on mechanical, electronic and other bike and user technical gear. Options to come soon.
Body products soon
Soon to have items that improve your connection to sport performance and comfort on the bike. Check back soon for a great selection of great products.
Bike Adventures
Life on a bike can bring you marvelous adventures around the world